Monday, June 12, 2023

Justification by Thomas R. Schreiner

Book cover
by Thomas R. Schreiner

ISBN-13: 9781433575730
Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: Crossway
Released: June 6, 2023

Source: Review copy from the publisher through Amazon Vine.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
When we see the fallenness of the world, it is often challenging to understand how sinners can stand before a holy God, but the gospel gives hope―justification that comes through Jesus Christ. This doctrine is essential to the gospel but has sparked countless academic and theological disagreements throughout church history, even contributing to the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century.

Thomas R. Schreiner examines the biblical and historical background of the doctrine of justification. Schreiner explores it throughout church history and analyzes both the Old and New Testament teachings. By examining the relationship between justification and other doctrines of salvation―such as redemption, reconciliation, adoption, and sanctification―Schreiner shows how it gives peace, assurance, and joy to sinners through Jesus and hope for life today.

Designed to be short and approachable, this text is an ideal resource for college students, pastors, and thoughtful laypeople.

My Review:
Justification searches throughout the whole Bible to explore what is said about justification. This is somewhat more academic in tone, but it's not difficult to follow his points. His basic premise is that we shouldn't limit ourselves to a word study on "justification" but should also look for where the concept is discussed, both in the Old and New Testament. This book isn't intended to show every example but simply shows that the concept is present throughout and what is meant by "justification." He also talked about how various Christians talked about justification during the early church period. I felt that the author clearly made his points and convinced me of his points. Overall, I'd recommend this book to Christians who want a better understanding of what justification means.

The author shows that "justification through faith alone by grace alone is not restricted to Paul, nor did it begin with Paul" (from page 41). He also demonstrated that " has to do with the law court, that it means that God as the judge declares sinners to be not guilty. The word 'justify' doesn't mean 'make righteous' but 'declare righteous'" (from page 73).

Also, from page 71, "All [people] sin, and thus no one can put God in their debt. No one faithfully serves God by their labor. Thus, the only hope is for God to justify the ungodly, and he does so for those who put their faith in Christ Jesus, and Jesus's atoning death satisfies God's justice and holiness. Justification is a gift, but it is based on Christ's sacrifice where he takes the wrath of God on himself for our sake and our salvation (Rom. 3:25-26)....If righteousness is obtained through keeping the law, then salvation is no longer based on God's promise and faith is emptied of its significance and distinctiveness....Works call attention to what human beings achieve, but faith looks to what God in Christ has done....Righteousness doesn't come by achieving but believing, not by doing but by resting in God's promises, not by performing but by trusting in Christ."

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

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