Monday, December 28, 2020

Romans by Alan F. Johnson

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by Alan F. Johnson

ISBN-13: 9780802418265
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Released: June 5, 2018

Source: ebook review copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
Martin Luther said Romans was so important that every Christian should memorize it. Romans outlines many of the basics of the faith and has been a favorite of Christians throughout history. But reading Romans without knowing the historical background is like watching an old comedy without knowing the cultural references—still enjoyable, but not nearly as vibrant. Encounter Paul’s crowning epistle in full color through Romans from the Everyday Bible Commentary series. In it you’ll receive enlightening verse-by-verse commentary from Alan F. Johnson that’s both straightforward and insightful. You’ll gain cultural and historical backgrounds, insights from the original language, and help with the difficult passages

My Review:
Romans is a commentary on Romans. The author gave some background information about the book and then commented on the verses as he worked verse-by-verse through Romans. It works best if you read the passage and then read his comments. He provided word studies, background information, and preaching-style insights into the meaning of the text. He also talked about various interpretations of certain verses why he thought a certain interpretation was stronger than the others. I thought he did a good job of helping explain potentially confusing verses and bringing out insights from the text. Overall, I'd recommend this useful Bible-study tool.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

Excerpt: Read an excerpt using Google Preview.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Psalms by Robert L. Alden

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by Robert L. Alden

ISBN-13: 9780802419040
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Released: March 5, 2019

Source: ebook review copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
There is nothing that can speak to the Christian’s heart quite like the Psalms. These cherished songs lead us into worship, guide our lament, and teach us to pray. But they are even more vibrant when we understand the context, author’s intent, and recognize what this means for our lives today. This is what the best preachers do, but you don’t have to wait until Sunday’s sermon. Encounter the beautiful depth of Psalms through an enlightening chapter-by-chapter commentary from Robert L. Alden that’s both straightforward and insightful. This single-volume commentary is helpfully divided into three thought-provoking sections: Songs of Devotion, of Dedication and of Discipleship.

My Review:
Psalms is a commentary on Psalms. The author did a good job of commenting on each of the psalms and bringing insight to them. He urged that his comments be read with your Bible open to that psalm. He talked about the structure of the psalm, similar words (and contrasts) that aren't immediately obvious in the English translations, and otherwise brought out useful and insightful points to help the reader better understand the psalms. His comments were not difficult to follow even though some of the terms were more academic (but he clearly explains them). Overall, I'd recommend this useful commentary.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

Excerpt: Read an excerpt using Google Preview.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Interview with the Antichrist by Jeff Kinley

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Interview with the Antichrist
by Jeff Kinley

ISBN-13: 9780785229834
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Released: February 11th 2020

Source: review copy from the author.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
Julien is a young journalist in close proximity to a person the Bible calls the “Beast.” Julien will give us a window into the character of the Antichrist and how our last days could unfold according to Scripture’s ultimate plot. This imagined prophetic narrative will also reveal how this coming prince may alter reality and impact humankind--and eventually transform into the most malevolent human in history.

But what can be known about this man? What does the Bible actually say about this nefarious individual? How close are we to his unveiling? This speculative account will whet your appetite for more information, more solid biblical food on the subject. And you’ll find that in the last section of the book.

My Review:
Interview with the Antichrist summarizes what the Bible says about the Tribulation using a fictional structure. The point of view character is a journalist who thinks back about how he met and interacted with the man that the Bible calls the Antichrist. We jump back and forth between this later time and the progression of events throughout the seven years. As obvious from the title, much of the book is the characters talking about what has happened: how the mysterious disappearance of thousands of people left the world in chaos, how this opened an opportunity for the leader to take control, and some of his plans for future economic and political unity. The journalist also thinks back about the various wars, famine, etc., that happened during this time and how they impacted things. The journalist was an actual witness to some major events involving the Antichrist, like when Julien sees the Antichrist alive after he has been reported dead. The book ends right before the events of Armageddon, and I assume that this is intended to intrigue the reader into reading the Bible to find out what happens.

At the end of the book, the author talked about what the Bible actually says about the Antichrist. This book was a quick read. I'd recommend it to people who think this sounds like an interesting way to learn more about the Tribulation and the Antichrist.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

Excerpt: Read an excerpt using Google Preview.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Israel Rising by Doug Hershey

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Israel Rising
by Doug Hershey

ISBN-13: 9781496457745
Hardcover: 209 pages
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Released: November 3rd 2020

Source: ebook review copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
A unique visual story of Israel's miraculous journey from unforgiving desert land to thriving nation.

Thousands of years ago, the prophet Ezekiel foretold a future time in which the arid land of Israel would come alive for its people. Now this breathtaking book documents the fulfillment of this vision, from the hills of Shiloh where shepherds once roamed, to the booming city of Tel Aviv, founded on sand dunes, to the stellar beaches of Caesarea, transformed from a small village into one of Israel's most stunning coastal cities and finally Jerusalem, the Eternal City of Peace, where in ancient times the power of worship resounded from the Temple. Here, rarely seen photographs taken between the 1880s and the 1940s juxtaposed with contemporary images of the same locations illustrate the region's biblical history as a place of monumental battle, celebration, worship, and awesome resilience.

Whether by helicopter or on foot, on their own or with the aid of locals, author Doug Hershey and photographer Elise Monique Theriault negotiate the terrain to access the vantage points required to match the original photos, from the rooftop of Israel's National Museum of Science, Technology and Space in Haifa, to Jaffa Port's breakwater, and much more.

Israel Rising looks at what exactly Ezekiel prophesied and explores the historical accounts from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim eyewitnesses of what the land and region has experience and endured. With more than 175 photos, Israel Rising will depict the transformation of Israel as it celebrates its 70th anniversary.

My Review:
Israel Rising compares black and white photographs of Israel taken between 1880 and the 1940s with full color photographs taken in 2016 from the same locations. The author started by talking about the prophecy in Ezekiel about Israel blooming again and then provided quotes from travelers from around 70 AD until the mid-1900s describing how desert-like and desolate the land had become. The modern pictures show a land full of green and people, the fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophesy. The author also included some accounts about the people they encountered as they took the pictures throughout Israel. If you like then-and-now photography books, then you'll enjoy this interesting book.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

Excerpt: Read an excerpt using Google Preview.