Wednesday, September 26, 2018

When Your Kid Is Hurting by Dr Kevin Leman

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When Your Kid Is Hurting
by Dr Kevin Leman

ISBN-13: 9780800723064
Hardcover: 273 pages
Publisher: Revell
Released: Sept. 4, 2018

Source: Review copy from the publisher.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
Children today live in an unpredictable, disruptive, and often violent world. Whether your child is dealing with a difficult family situation, bullies, the loss of friends, the death of a loved one, discrimination, abuse, a teen pregnancy, or even just trying to make sense of what they see in the news, this compassionate and practical book will help parents equip them to process, learn from, and rise above their situation.

Rather than seek to save them from the hard things, parents must teach their kids how to cope with and rise above their problems. Internationally known psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman shows parents how to be good listeners, tell the truth even when it's difficult, find balance between being protective and being overprotective, approach hurt and injustice as a learning experience rather than fostering a victim mentality, and much more.

My Review:
When Your Kid Is Hurting is a parenting advice book. The first half of the book looked at some things that parents should and shouldn't do when their kids are facing tough situations. The author also briefly covered issues that your child might hear and worry about (like a school shooting, rape, gang violence, discrimination, etc.) or might face (like divorce, adoption, abuse, pregnancy, bullying and cyber bullying, betrayal by a best friend, grief, etc.) and suggested some things you might say to help your child.

The second half of the book was Q&A: questions that people have asked the author regarding their specific situations and his responses. They were about common situations that you may also deal with. If you've read some of the author's other books, the advice might sound familiar, or at least similar. The advice was generally was good. While the author is a Christian, the advice was written assuming a secular audience and so didn't include a biblical aspect.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

Excerpt: Read an excerpt using Google Preview.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Suffering by Paul David Tripp

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Gospel Hope When Life Doesn't Make Sense
by Paul David Tripp

ISBN-13: 9781433556777
Hardback: 224 pages
Publisher: Crossway Books
Released: Sept. 30, 2018

Source: Advanced review copy of this book from the publisher through Amazon Vine.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
Sometimes life doesn't make sense. When death, illness, unemployment, or a difficult relationship challenges everything we thought we knew, we can feel utterly unprepared to cope. Best-selling author Paul David Tripp weaves together his personal story, years of counseling experience, and biblical insights to help us in the midst of suffering, identifying 6 traps to avoid--including doubt, discouragement, and denial--and 6 comforts to embrace--including God's presence, God's people, and God's grace. Exploring a wide range of common experiences, this raw yet hope-filled book will empower readers to cling to God's promises when trials come and then move forward with the hope of the gospel.

My Review:
Suffering talked about the traps we can fall into (and why they're not helpful) and the hope that we have in God. The author talked about how anyone who suffers may ask "why?", doubt, be afraid, envy others who are doing well, be discouraged, and/or deny the seriousness of what they're facing. However, he shared stories of real people who took these to a degree that left them hopeless. They had a distorted view of God because they let circumstances define their view of God rather than looking to what the Bible says about God. The author also told his own story and how he was challenged in some of these ways.

He then talked about the hope we have if we look to what Scripture says about God and suffering. He quoted Scripture and explained why this is a comfort. Things like how we have hope because God is with us and will not forsake us. God is good and in control, but he cares more about our character than our comfort. Since the author has gone through and is continuing to suffer, you know he's thought through these things and isn't just giving the "standard answer." I felt that he had good theology and managed to convey it in a easy-to-understand and sympathetic manner. Overall, I'd recommend this insightful book.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Phoebe by Paula Gooder

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by Paula Gooder

ISBN-13: 9780830852451
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: IVP Academic
Released: Sept. 4, 2018

Source: ebook review copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
Sometime around 56 AD, the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Rome. He entrusted this letter to Phoebe, whom he describes as the deacon of the church at Cenchreae and a patron of many. But who was this remarkable woman?

Biblical scholar and popular author and speaker Paula Gooder imagines Phoebe's story—who she was, the life she lived, and her first-century faith—and in doing so opens up Paul's world, giving a sense of the cultural and historical pressures that shaped his thinking and the faith of the early church. After the narrative, Gooder includes an extensive notes section with comments on the historical context, biographical details, cultural practices, and more. Rigorously researched, this is a book for anyone who wants to engage more deeply and imaginatively with Paul's theology.

My Review:
Phoebe is 72% historical fiction that begins in 56 AD, when the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Rome. The author's intent is to help Christians to better understand what it would have been like to live at that time. The story follows Phoebe as she delivered Paul's letter to the Christians in Rome and found healing from her past along with a better understanding of the freedom found in Christ.

Cultural and historical details were woven into the story along with things like the recipients debating what Paul meant, conflict between Jewish and Gentle believers and between non-believers and believers. She also included events recorded in the Bible, like references to Jesus' life and things like Paul's arrival in Rome in chains. The characters were engaging and acted realistically. I enjoyed the fiction section, and it was generally consistent with the information found in the Bible even if I didn't agree with how she portrayed some things.

The remaining 28% was end notes, which briefly explained things like why the author described Paul the way she did or how slavery worked in the Roman Empire. I found this section informative. But I was disappointed that in the end notes for the last few chapters (which focused more on events actually described in the Bible rather than fictionalized events), she apparently favored the opinion of those who doubt the historical accuracy of the Bible.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Day by Day through the Gospel of John by Lance Wubbels

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Day by Day through the Gospel of John
365 Timeless Devotions from Classic Writers
by Lance Wubbels

ISBN-13: 9780764230738
Hardcover: 384 pages
Publisher: Bethany House
Released: Sept. 18, 2018

Source: ebook review copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
During the second half of the nineteenth century, Great Britain was home to some of the greatest preachers, biblical scholars, and Christian writers in all of church history. Legendary names such as Charles Spurgeon, George Müller, Hudson Taylor, Catherine Booth, and George MacDonald stand out as giants of the church. Their predecessors, such as John Wesley and Matthew Henry, left them a rich tradition of biblical and evangelical excellence to follow. Americans R. A. Torrey and Charles Finney and South African Andrew Murray were cut from the same cloth.

From the classic writings of these revered saints, Lance Wubbels has edited and compiled the best of the best of their inspirational insights into this 365-day devotional. Verse by verse through the Gospel of John, readers will gain an unforgettable understanding of the life, words, and ministry of Jesus Christ. Here is a one-year devotional that is packed with profound biblical commentary, brilliant wisdom, and practical application that will enrich readers and be read for a lifetime.

My Review:
Day by Day through the Gospel of John is a 365-day devotional that progressively worked through the Gospel of John. Each day started with verses from John. The body of the devotion was taken from writings or sermons by well-known 1800s preachers and scholars. Many of the days were by Charles Spurgeon, Alexander Maclaren, and Joseph Parker, but there were also entries by S.D. Gordon, Andrew Murray, Alexander Whyte, George MacDonald, John Wesley, R. A. Torrey, Hudson Taylor, Matthew Henry, Charles Finney, Frances Ridley Havergal, Catherine Booth, and Adam Clarke.

Each day's devotion took about 2 or 3 minutes to read, though you might end up thinking about things they said throughout the day. Each entry stayed focused on the verses and on providing insights about the events or ideas expressed in them. If you prefer devotions that start with a cute story or take the verse out of context, then this might seem a little intense or dense. However, I don't think Christians will find any difficultly following what was written as they read like mini-sermons (not academic studies). I really enjoyed this devotional and hope the author does more along this style in the future.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

Excerpt: Read an excerpt using Google Preview.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Moments 'til Midnight by Brent Crowe

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Moments 'til Midnight
by Brent Crowe

ISBN-13: 9781462787777
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: B&H Books
Released: Sept. 1, 2018

Source: ebook review copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
Author Brent Crowe imaginatively retells the last twelve hours of Paul's life. With no more letters to write, no more churches to plant, no more sermons to preach, and no more missionary journeys to embark upon, Paul awaited his death sentence. What were his final reflections on life? How did he view the race he had run? How should you view the race set before you? Readers will be encouraged to live with purpose, to redeem the time, and to embrace the awesome reality that they too are on a sacred journey.

My Review:
Moments 'til Midnight is a Christ-focused Christian living book. The author used the premise of what Paul might have thought about in his last hours as a way to tie the varied topics of the various chapters together. He started with some historical information about Paul's life and some speculation about his last hours in prison before his execution.

The rest of the chapters were about things that Paul talked about in his letters or might have thought about in those last hours. Each chapter had modern stories that tied into the topic and also quoted Scripture (usually Paul) about the topic. The writing was easy to follow. The chapters talked about: grace, living with a purpose, the value and role of friendship, having a heavenly mindset (pilgrim mentality), clothing ourselves in virtues (based on Colossians 3:12-14), our family in Christ and unity, how God empowers us, communicating clearly, living life to God's standard of excellence, overcoming failure and regrets, leaving a legacy, and dying well.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

Excerpt: Read an excerpt using Google Preview.

Monday, September 3, 2018

God Speaks Your Love Language by Gary Chapman

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God Speaks Your Love Language
by Gary Chapman

ISBN-13: 9780802418593
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Northfield Publishing
Released: Sept. 1, 2018

Source: ebook review copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
Do you realize that the God of the universe speaks your love language, and your expressions of love for Him are shaped by your love language? Learn how you can give and receive God’s love through the five love languages: words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.

The book includes a brand new chapter on “Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone” which will teach you the joys of speaking a love language you’re not used to with God. No matter what love language you prefer, you will become more deeply connected with God and watch this bond transform all of your relationships. Contains personal reflection questions and a study guide for groups

My Review:
God Speaks Your Love Language talks about how the 5 love languages apply to our relationship with God. The author briefly talked about the 5 love languages. He then looked at each love language (words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, and physical touch) and discussed how God has shown His love to us in each of these ways. He also provided stories about how people with that primary love language felt most connected to and loved by God (like through studying the Bible, prayer, giving, serving others, or worship). He then challenged readers to show love to God by using the other love languages, too.

I was surprised to realize that I already do enjoy expressing my love to God using all five love languages, but I did learn some interesting insights into how people differ in how they feel most loved by God. While you get a general idea from this book, it helps if you already know your primary love language. Overall, I'd recommend this book.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

Excerpt: Read an excerpt using Google Preview.