The Global Flood
by John D. Morris
ISBN-13: 9781935587125
Hardcover: 175 pages
Publisher: Institute for Creation Research
Released: January 22nd 2013
Source: Bought.
Book Description, Modified from ICR:
Why does the Genesis Flood Matter? The study of geology is a daunting task, especially when investigating ancient rock, strata, and fossils. What do the rocks and strata tell us about the geologic history of the earth? How do fossils help us unlock the mysteries of the geological catastrophes of the past?
For some, the thought of a worldwide flood is ludicrous. But for serious scientists who research the various formations of the earth and the catastrophic processes that shaped the world we see around us today, the evidence of a global flood is indisputable. The Global Flood presents that evidence in a way that clearly demonstrates why the biblical account of the Flood matters to all of us who want to understand and communicate the truth of the Genesis Flood with confidence.
The Global Flood helps to meet a great need today. It is comprehensive. It is aimed at those who are not experts in earth sciences. People everywhere need to understand the true significance of the year-long, mountain-covering Deluge that buried and fossilized trillions of marine and land animals and plants only a few thousand years ago. Over 95 percent of these fossils - even within sedimentary strata seen in the highest mountains of the world - are marine creatures! We don't need to stretch the creation week of Genesis 1 to allow for this. The fossils were formed after, not before, Adam! There's no need to add millions and billions of years to earth history.
My Review:
The Global Flood examines the evidence for the world-wide, biblical flood described in Genesis as the cause behind much of the strata and fossils often interpreted as requiring millions of years to create. The author started by describing some history of the study of geology and how different worldviews affect how the evidence in the present is interpreted. He then examined in detail what the Bible says about the creation week and the Flood which would indicate what we'd expect to see in the rock layers. He then examined the different rock strata: what's in it which would help indicate when and how it was formed, how evolutionist explain it, and how a worldwide flood (or the creation week or post-Flood activity) is a better explanation for how it was formed. The author also talked about things like world-wide flood legends in other cultures, tree ring dating, questions about where all the water came from or how the mountains could have been covered, etc.. The tone was not too technical to understand while still explaining a lot of detailed information. Overall, I thought this was a nice summary of the information, though I've read much of it elsewhere as well.
If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.