The New Testament in Its World
with N. T. Wright and Michael F. BirdMasterLectures Video
Publisher: Zondervan Academic
Source: Free month offer from
Video Series Description:
Enter the world of the New Testament. A companion to The New Testament in Its World by N. T. Wright and Michael F. Bird, these lectures serve as your passageway from the twenty-first century to the era of Jesus and the first Christians.
Professors Wright and Bird will guide you through how to read the New Testament, the world of Jesus and the early church, deep studies on both Jesus and the apostle Paul, lectures on every book of the New Testament, as well as how to live the story of the New Testament today.
In addition to numerous studio lectures, on-location sessions will immerse you into the world of the New Testament. Filmed around the world, this series takes you on a journey with Wright and Bird to Jerusalem, Corinth, Athens, Rome, Nazareth, Qumran, Capernaum, and the shores of the Sea of Galilee.
At nearly 13 hours of content, these lectures are the definitive video introduction to the history, literature, and theology of the New Testament.
Watch the Trailer.
My Review:
Length: Around 14 hours of video when including the bonus material.
The New Testament in Its World is a video study about the books of the New Testament. The series was so long that I was not able to complete it before the end of my free trial period. I enjoyed sessions 5 through 15, which gave cultural background and context to the New Testament and the early church. The later sessions focused on specific books of the Bible and tended to focus more on the debates about who wrote the book, who it was sent to, etc. They also summarized the major ideas in the books and suggested applications. Both authors apparently wanted to talk about each book and each summarized the book, so some of it was repeated information.
Some of these sessions were filmed on-location or included brief video clips of the cities where the letter was written or was sent. While the cultural background information was potentially interesting for anyone, I felt like the debated information was much more academic than most people would care about.
Introduction - Welcome to the Study
Session 1 - Beginning Study of the New Testament
Session 2 - The New Testament as History
Session 3 - The New Testament as Literature
Session 4 - The New Testament as Theology
Session 5 - The History of the Jews
Session 6- Jewish Context of Jesus, Early Church
Session 7 - Greco-Roman Context of Early Church
Session 8 - The Study of the Historical Jesus
Session 9 - The Profile and Praxis of a Prophet
Session 10 - Who Did Jesus Think He Was?
Session 11 - The Death of the Messiah
Session 12 - Afterlife for Greek, Roman, Jew
Session 13 - Story of Easter (Apostle Paul)
Session 14 - Story of Easter (the Evangelists)
Session 15 - Story of Paul's Life and Ministry
Session 16 - A Primer on Pauline Theology
Session 17 - Galatians
Session 18 - 1 and 2 Thessalonians
Session 19 - Philippians
Session 20 - Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians
Session 21 - 1 and 2 Corinthians
Session 22 - Romans
Session 23 - The Pastoral Epistles
Session 24 - The Gospel according to Mark
Session 25 - The Gospel according to Matthew
Session 26- Gospel of Luke, Acts of the Apostles
Session 27 - The Gospel according to John
Session 28 - The Making of the Gospels
Session 29 - Intro to Early Christian Letters
Session 30 - The Letter to the Hebrews
Session 31 - Letters by Jesus's Brothers
Session 32 - Petrine Letters: 1 and 2 Peter
Session 33 - Johannine Letters: 1, 2, 3 John
Session 34 - Revelation
Session 35- Intro to Textual Criticism of the NT
Session 36 - Canonization of the New Testament
Session 37 - Bringing It All Together
BONUS: What Are "Principalities" in the Bible?
BONUS: Why Study the Historical Jesus?
BONUS: What Is Prayer?
BONUS: How Did Jesus View His Vocation?
BONUS: What Paul Means by "Faith"
BONUS: The Persecution of Christians
BONUS: Why Does Resurrection Matter?
BONUS: How to Understand the Holy Spirit
BONUS: How the Gospel Is Different from Ancient Religion
BONUS: The End of Exile: Daniel, Jesus, and Redemption
If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.