Monday, April 27, 2015

Scripture Memory Songs for Kids and Families CD

book cover
Scripture Memory Songs for Kids and Families CD
by Jennifer Shaw

Released: May 19, 2015

Source: Review copy through a publicist/The Adams Group.

Description from Singer's Website:
This album includes 30 word-for-word Scripture memory songs (NIV) plus 9 bonus Christian-themed kids songs! These songs were all developed for use in a Vacation Bible School curriculum for Faith Covenant Church in Westerville, OH. Each of the mini-albums is for a different year with a different themed play. There are five Scripture songs per year, one for each day of VBS, plus bonus theme songs and roll calls for the classes.

The Scripture songs are all word for word from either the 1984 or the 2011 New International Version (NIV) of the Bible and include the references. They have since been used by Sunday schools, Christian schools, other VBS programs, homeschoolers, and families, and we hope they are a blessing to you too!

My Review:
Scripture Memory Songs for Kids and Families CD has songs for memorizing scripture which are suitable for grade-school aged kids but they can be enjoyed by the whole family. The songs contain word-for-word Scripture from the NIV, so kids can understand the words they're memorizing.

The songs sound like songs; they're not just verses repeated several times with music in the background. Each song is unique sounding, so you learn the verse if you learn the song. Some scripture memory albums I've listened to have such similar-sounding music that the tune doesn't automatically trigger the words that go with it.

I really liked the verses that she picked for memorization; they're verses that will serve kids well throughout their lives. I highly recommend this resource to those who want help memorizing Scripture.

You can view which verses are included and listen to some samples at Jennifer Shaw's website.

If you've listened to these songs, what do you think about them? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the CD in the comments.