Monday, November 12, 2012

Commands of Christ, Series 3

book cover

Commands of Christ:
The Curriculum of the Great Commission, Series 3

ISBN: 0-916888-26-6
Paperback: 80 pages
Publisher: Institute in Basic Life Principles
Released: 2002

Link to Publisher's Website

Source: Bible study group at a church I attend.

Book Description from Publisher's Website:
The Commands of Christ series is a set of seven study books focusing on 49 general commands that Jesus gave.

The books may be used in a group setting or as a personal study. Each lesson includes an in-depth commentary, study questions, a character quality and songs that amplify the command, questions and commitments for personal application, and a journal page for recording your own insights and progress as you incorporate Christ’s commands into your life.

My Review:
I was involved in a small group Bible study which used this book. We had a lot of good, in-depth discussions based on the study's commentary and in coming up with specific examples of how one could put these commands of Christ into real life practice. I'd recommend this study to other small groups. You can also do it as a personal study.

I felt this study did a good job in exploring what the whole Bible (both Old and New Testaments) had to say on the subject. Each lesson would point out two similar situations and then explore the similarities and differences in the situations to better understand why God acted one way in one situation and another way in the other.

The "command" verses under discussion and the related verses referred to in the study were fully quoted in the book so you don't have to look anything up. The commentary included relevant cultural background information and short word studies to further clarify our understanding of the verses. At the end of each study, there was a page of personal application questions and another page with suggested take-away resolutions and a place for personal notes.

This is the third book in the series. You technically don't need to read the previous two books before you read this one as the lessons don't directly build on each other.

The seven commands covered in the seven lessons of this book were Judge Not (Matthew 7:1-3), Don't Cast Pearls (Matthew 7:6), Ask, Seek, and Knock (Matthew 7:7-8), Do For Others (Matthew 7:12), Choose the Narrow Way (Matthew 7:13-14), Beware of False Prophets (Matthew 7:15-16), and Pray for Laborers (Matthew 9:37-38).

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

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