Friday, June 18, 2010

Book Quotes: Confession / Repentance

From Crash Course: Forming a Faith Foundation for Life by Daniel Darling (page 168):

Whoever first said, "confession is good for the soul," was wise, because confession is the first step toward a relationship with God that goes to the next level....

You might say, "Doesn't God already know my sins?" Yes He does. But God wants us to admit them as well. When we confess them, we agree with God about our sinful condition. Confession is much more than just admitting our sins, it's a willingness to seek God's help in changing our ways.

Our quiet time with the Lord reveals those deep, dark sins in our hearts. It is that hidden sin that keeps us from experiencing God more fully.

The reason God takes our sin so seriously is because it hinders the enjoyable relationship between us and Him. God is a holy God, who can't allow sin in His presence. So if we desire to know Him more fully, we'll bow before God, humble ourselves, and acknowledge our [sins].

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